
Fresh Farm Eggs For Consumption and Fertilized Eggs, Chicks, Pullets/Cockerels, Hens/Roosters For Your Flocks


.We currently are custodians of and are breeding Bred to Standard Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, and our own line of Black Sex Link Hybrids, aptly said to be egg laying machines... RIRxBPR-BSL F1 Hybrids  (all large fowl, dual purpose birds that lay Lg/Ex.Lg brown eggs.


We were fortunate to have located and developed a relationship with a well known, local Heritage/Bred to Standard/ SOP breeder of Rhode Island Reds.  They were willing to sell us a male and four hens from which we will be developing and then improving our lines.  This year we will breed this BtS RIR male with our best Barred Plymouth Rock females giving us an even better Black Sex Link hybrid than the one pictured..  By next spring we are hoping to have developed a relationship with a local breeder of BtS Barred Plymouth Rocks who will be willing to sell us one male and 5-8 females.  This will allow us to be self sustainable with both our RIR BtS  and BPR BtS lines and to improve our Black Sex Link hybrids even more.

Our animals are raised and cared for with primarily holistic protocols, both for nutrition, overall health, and the construction of their coops and runs.  Our Layer Feed is a 17% whold grain with amendments ration milled by Mule City Feeds, Benson, NC.  No hormones, chemicals, immunizations or medicated feed are used in the care of our birds.   Due to the abundance of predators in our area, they only have as much supervised free range as our schedules allow but their coops and runs are designed to mimic the areas where they free range wiith lots of space and very deep natural litter.  We gather our eggs at least twice daily and store them, unwashed, at room temperature.  They are in our customer's posession, usually within 3-6  days after gathering.  This keeps the bloom on the eggs for improved quality and unwashed eggs can be stored in the carton on your counter, refrigeration is not needed.  When you are ready to use them, just wash gently with water, cook and enjoy.  There is no difference between white or colored eggs nutrition wise.  It is just that different varieties of chickens lay different colored eggs.  We chose these breeds because they are large fowl, dual birds (raised for both meat and eggs), have good overall health characteristics and with a good tendency to develop natural immunities, not seriously affected by hot or cold weather (we are one state/county that has both extremes), lay lg/ex.lg  eggs in good numbers, exhibit predator awareness and are voracious foragers.  They also give us the ability to breed the Black Sex Link Hybrid which is the original Sex Link hybrid developed for feeding the exploding US population after WW II.



If you are seeking quality fresh eggs for consumption, please email or call/text us for information about ordering eggs and picking them up.  We have an egg pick up box for your convenience and offer sales of 12, 18 or multiples there of.



For those who wish to begin husbanding chickens or increasing their current flock we will accept orders for fertilized RIR and BSL eggs.  As we are incubating and hatching these two types we will also do the same for those who wish not to have to incubate themselves.-

Beginning in late spring 2025, if you are interested in purchasing and hatching some fertilized eggs, we can work out a plan for getting you some eggs in the quantity you need.  We will also have chicks and pullets/cockerels.  At this time we will only have fertilized eggs and chicks or larger birds available to those who place an order as we do not have the facilities/acreage to hold greater number of animals.

Offerings other than eggs for consumption are done as a service to those who want better quality animals than what the big hatcheries sell.



iIf you wish to have hard boiled eggs, we suggest the steaming method.  We do not boil our eggs (fresh). instead, we steam them in the top of a double boiler steamer for 15 minutes. Start the clock as soon as you put the water in the pot and turn on the heat.  Rinse/wash the eggs and place in top part, cover. Get out a larger bowl/pot than the steamer part and fill with water and some ice. After the 15 minutes move the whole steamer section to the ice bath and add more ice. Set timer for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes take some of the eggs and put them in a plastic container with water half to 3/4 covering the eggs. Cover and shake vigorously but not violently 40 times. Take eggs and rinse off shell bits under running water. Last week I did 14 eggs in the steamer and deshelled 7 at a time. Took all of 2 minutes to have 14 perfect eggs in a container ready to go into a recipe or the fridge. No need for any materials to be added to the water... just steam, ice bath and shake...



Some of you have inquired about the livestock predators we have in our area.  Those we have actually seen, have on trail camera, or have seen evidence of (scat/track) are:  Coon, Possum, Weasel, Mink, Bobcat, Feral Dog (and dogs off leash), Feral Cat, Coyote, Coy-Dogs (serious broblem in eastern Va.), Black Bear (in Wake Forest and Leesville Rd areas as well as in the Neuse River corridor), Feral Hogs, Red Tailed and Red Shouldered Hawks, Barred Owls (we have yet to see a Great Horned Owl in Wake County) and Bald Eagles.  There is also the possibility that a Red Wolf from the population on the Coast goes into a dispersing travel and can reach the Neuse River Corridor.  In addition, although pooh poohed by many, the Cougar probably exists in the remote parts of NC in extremely limited numbers.  With all these potential predators, there is good reason that you often see the Great Pyrenees (or donkees), one of the better known LGD, on many farms and homesteads.  There have been no confirmed sightings of the grey wolf in this area for well over a century.









One of our RIRxBPR-BSL F1 Hybrids, This Black Sex Link produces between 250 and 300+ Lg/ExLg brown eggs per year..  She is aptly said to be an egg laying machine... 








Our Bred to Standard Rhode Island Red breeding rooster with one of our BtS RIR breeding hens.








Our Bred to Standard Rhode Island Red breeding rooster.








Drew holding our Bred to Standard Rhode Island Red breeding rooster.  This fellow is very docile (but if you look closely, you can see he is keeping an eye on the Barred Plymouth Rock rooster that is sneaking up in the lower right of the picture.





Local Honey from our own Hives


Currently, our regular Landscape and Irrigation customers are purchasing all of our honey production but we anticipate having more honey and associated products available as the additional hives come into production.  We expect to have some product available late summer 2024for new customers.


Our honey is gathered from strong colonies beginning in their second year/summer.  We do not feed our bees sugar water which is done in commercial high production operations.  (If your honey has sugar crystals forming in it, it is sugar water honey)  It is strained.  Not filtered, heated nor pasturized.  Generally we do not include comb with the honey but some customers have requested it so we can do so as per your request.  

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